Dems Give Back
White Mountain Dems
Kayenta Dems
Democrats Give Back
Pre-pandemic we held several in-person events to connect with our county communities. We served food and held events at various locations around the county. Today we still gather, but our meetings are conducted virtually and by phone via Zoom. The events still allowed Precinct Committee Persons (PCs) to begin organizing locally and to recruit new (PCs). Instead of serving food, we provide some gift cards that are awarded during our meeting ice breakers and trivia breaks.
Our Give Back events are fun and allow our group to support our partners and strengthen our county and cross-county coalitions.
Virtual Gatherings
a. Fundraisers for Bii Nalwood and Water Warriors (Jan. Virtual Event)
b. Celebrate community and PC recruitment
When safe to gather in-person, and with all CDC safety measures in place, we’d like to try hosting at least two events this year. Two key communities that are centrally located are Chinle and Kayenta.
Topics addressed: Voter Registration, PC Recruitment, Policy Education